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Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • When it comes to calculating customer profitability, how good is “good enough”? How accurate is accurate enough?
  • Are most strategic, "next level" Sales Operations groups found in large companies?
  • Why don't great salespeople make great sales managers?
  • Won't sales managers know which skills need shoring up amongst their reports?
  • Where Should Sales Ops Report To, or Up Through?
  • Will salespeople really listen to Sales Ops when it comes to things like pricing, cross-selling, retention, etc.?
  • We track close-rates by sales rep, but they always brush-off the massive variances as being "mix related". Any suggestions?
  • Isn't the point of analytics all about identifying outliers and taking action to make sure they don't happen again?
  • How can we get more control over our salespeople's Travel & Entertainment expenses without playing "Mother May I"?
  • What are the different buyer types we might be negotiating with?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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