Here are Some of Our Many Training Webinars
Enabling Intelligent Growth

As the clouds of market uncertainty clear, there's often a massive push for revenue growth and market expansion.So how do we deliver on new growth imperatives while protecting long-term performance?
Golden Rules of Sales Ops

Sales Operations has its own set of rules and governing principles...most of which you'll never find in a textbook. What are these "golden rules" and how you keep from breaking them?
Earning Sales Ops a Seat At the Table

In this session, learn how leading teams have bridged the gap between just executing the plans that are handed down by others and actually having a hand in developing those plans in the first place.
Aligning Sales Ops to Business Strategy

How do you ensure that your sales operation and the overall business strategy are properly aligned? And what do you do when there's a disconnect?
The Sales Ops Blueprint

Leveraging current best practices and "what we know now," this webinar aims to equip you with the knowledge you need to create the most impactful Sales Ops function possible.
Prepping for the Next Sales Crisis

When the 'stuff' hits the fan, some companies will overreact and make things worse. So how should you respond when something disruptive happens? And how do you prepare for the next crisis?
Building a Better Sales Pipeline

How do we develop a more efficient and more effective sales pipeline? And how do we drive improvement in a way that is more consistent, predictable, and scalable?
Building Sales Ops' Credibility with Sales

Sales often views Sales Operations with skepticism and doubt. And as a result, they disregard our suggestions and ignore our recommendations. What can we do to get them to see us as a trusted partner and ally?
Retaining & Growing Key Accounts

Taking a more systemic and programmatic approach to key account retention and growth by developing a real Key Account Program.
Managing Successful Sales Ops Projects

Bringing new Sales Ops initiatives to fruition in established companies is rarely a cakewalk. So, how do we manage our projects to maximize our odds of success and minimize the chance of failure?
Building the Right Sales Ops Habits

What makes someone a Sales Operations professional? Our research has found that it's a powerful combination of behaviors and practices...habits that can be learned and developed by anyone, over time.
Closing Costly Revenue Leaks

In this recorded webinar session, we explore common revenue leaks that can appear when the economy is roiling, your business is under intense pressure, and everyone has been scrambling to deal with the chaos.
Getting More Out of Your CRM

How do you get past the surface-level usage and unlock the full potential of your CRM system to enhance overall productivity, streamline operations, and optimize customer interactions?
Evaluating Top Sales Methods

How do you know your team is using the most effective sales method for your particular business situation? And if necessary, how do you facilitate a productive change?
Working With "Bad" Sales Data

In most businesses, there are so many moving parts that working with perfect data just isn't very realistic. In this session, learn a strategic approach to making meaningful progress with inaccurate and incomplete datasets.
The Top Lessons Learned by Sales Ops Leaders

How have Sales Ops leaders become leaders? What can their 20/20 hindsight teach us to streamline our own path? In this on-demand webinar, learn the top lessons gleaned through our research.
Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) has become an important metric to investors, boards of directors, and managements. So what do Sales Ops practitioners really need to understand about CLV and how to maximize it?
How to Deal With Churn

How can we mitigate churn and retain more of the customers, revenues, and profits we've acquired? In this webinar, learn a simple methodology for figuring out what's best in your situation.
Developing Sales Ops Leaders

How do we develop the next generation of sales ops leaders? How do we equip our team members to take on more responsibility? And how do we do it all as a matter of course rather than as an afterthought?
Anticipating Competitors' Sales Moves

Your competitors' sales actions (and reactions) add even more complexity to a sales operation. So what can you do to better anticipate competitive moves and prevent them from spoiling your selling efforts?
How To Deal With Inflation

With all that's been happening over the last few years, inflation was bound to catch up with us. So what should we be doing differently to deal with the rapid inflation we're seeing on so many fronts?
Successful Sales Ops Pilot Programs

How do you get your company to accept new sales tools and approaches, while maximizing your odd of success? In this session, learn how to leverage pilot programs and in-market trials to accelerate your progress.
Selling Through Uncertainty

As Sales Ops practitioners, we're expected to make weighty decisions with imperfect information. How do we "illuminate" the landscape a bit? What steps can we take to reduce the ambiguity, uncertainty, and risk?
B2B eCommerce Channel Pricing Practices

Market dynamics have kicked B2B ecommerce trends into high gear. In this session, we dispel eight myths of B2B ecommerce and explore ten critical strategic pricing principles you'll want to embrace.
Better Product Management for Better Sales

In this on-demand webinar, learn how leading Sales Ops teams are influencing the pre-market decisions that can reduce meaningful differentiation and limit the sales performance you can achieve in the market.
Being An Internal Sales Consultant

For sales operations functions, frustration and conflict would seem to be inevitable. But learn how an "internal consultant" mindset and approach can make driving improvements much easier...and far less frustrating.
Making Sense of Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations is a hot topic and a growing function. What does Sales Operations really need to know about it? And how can the principles and practices be leveraged to improve overall performance?
Sales Process Improvement

In this session, we share how to identify bottlenecks, develop procedures, and prioritize improvements. And, we discuss how to leverage technology to streamline and scale your sales processes.
More Effective Onboarding

Every sales operation wants to get new reps productive faster. But making that a reality can be a challenge. In this session, we share key insights and principles for making onboarding more efficient and effective.
Effective Sales Enablement

The concept of "sales enablement" can be somewhat confusing. While there are different definitions, our research has identified a number of core themes and best practices that spell success.
Fostering Productive Collaboration

In this recorded session, we discuss how to identify and influence the groups that contribute most to our sales performance and explore the 8 key ingredients for effective cross-functional collaboration.
Quick Wins in Sales Operations

It’s always good to have a few tricks up your sleeve for boosting results in short order, without investing a ton of effort and money. In this session, we discuss 15 "quick wins" that have proven effective for others.
Delivering No-Brainer Sales Guidance

Equipping the sales team with relevant, data-driven guidance is a priority for many Sales Ops groups. In this on-demand webinar, learn the key ingredients for delivering guidance your reps will actually use.
Reducing Friction Between Sales & Marketing

Some amount of "friction" between Sales and Marketing is expected. Too much, however, is counter-productive. In this on-demand session, we discuss dozens of ways to address seven root-causes of friction and conflict between the Sales and Marketing functions.
Sales Ops Productivity Boosters

Under the current clouds of economic uncertainty, most teams are being asked to do even more with even less. So how do you make the most of what you've got?
Maximizing & Measuring Sales Tools

How do you get everything you can out of your investments in sales tools? In this session, learn about a proven five phase best practice framework for becoming more proactive and effective.
Essential Sales Ops Roles

While there's only one Sales Ops title on the business card, there are actually many different "jobs within the job." And it isn't easy to do the right jobs, at the right times, and in the right ways.
Why Sales Ops Initiatives Fail

Some sales ops initiatives just don’t work out as planned—they either struggle to produce worthwhile results or they fail outright. So, how do we avoid making the same mistakes that have derailed other initiatives?
Rethinking Sales Coverage

For decades, teams have approached territory design and coverage planning in largely the same way. But current market conditions are forcing everyone to question the status quo and explore new possibilities,
Building a Better Sales Pitch

How do we arm our sales teams with the most effective messages possible? How do we ensure our messages will actually cut through the clutter, differentiate our offerings, and move the sales process forward?
Boosting the Sales Ops Team's Influence

How can Sales Ops implement their plans and improve results when they lack the direct authority to ensure that those plans are executed? In this session, learn to leverage the principles of influence and persuasion.
Enabling Remote Sales At Scale

Ready or not, the remote/virtual mode of interacting with customers and prospects is here to stay. So, how do you equip your team with the right tools, skills, and practices to be most effective?
The Fundamentals of Sales Segmentation

Segmentation is critical for anyone using data to analyze and improve their sales operation. In this session, we explore the key concepts of effective segmentation and discuss different types of models that are useful.
Delivering Data to Decision-Makers

Providing sales data to executives and other decision-makers is a core responsibility for most Sales Ops teams. In this session, learn what leading teams are doing to make their efforts in this area far more effective.
From Tactical to Strategic Sales Ops

Some teams are so mired in tactical grunt work and daily firefights that they never make progress on strategic pursuits. How have other Sales Ops teams transitioned into more strategic functions? What steps did they take?
"Better" Practices for Sales Operations

That lofty place of "best practice" can sometimes seem very far away. Fortunately, amazing results can be generated by just getting "better." In this webinar, learn how to adapt best practices in less than ideal situations.
Improving Sales Compensation to Boost Results

It's hard to devise a comp plan that nails the objectives without a bunch of unintended consequences. In this webinar, learn about strategies and tactics for more effective sales incentives and compensation plans.
Inside the New Science of Sales

Leading teams are using data-science to great effect. But all the esoteric talk and technical jargon can be very confusing. In this session, we boil down the core concepts and processes that matter most.
Managing Mix to Boost Sales

Product and customer mix have an incredible amount of influence over every aspect of your sales performance. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to get proactive about "rigging" your mix to your advantage.
Exposing the Secrets of Sales Negotiation

How do you protect yourself when your sellers are so outmatched in negotiations? How do you keep them from falling for every trick in the book? And what does your Sales Ops team need to know to provide another layer of protection?
Selling Your Sales Ops Initiatives

Even when your company is willing to invest in improved capabilities and infrastructure, you still have to sell your approach. How should you craft, package, and pitch your initiative to get the go-ahead from management?
The Fundamentals of Sales Intelligence

In Sales Ops, it's easy to feel like decisions are made in a vacuum. But the reality is that there are many sources of intelligence you can leverage to help the sales team sell more effectively, now and in the future.
Assessing Your Sales Operation

How do you know how your sales capabilities really stack up? How can you tell? In this on-demand webinar, learn how to leverage "3 P" assessments to figure out where you're at and where you need to improve.
Accelerating Sales Cycles

Sales cycle times have major implications for cash flows, productivity, and returns on sales. In this session, learn proven "big bang" strategies and tactics for slashing time-to-close across your sales operation.
Making Sense of Sales Technology

It's hard to make sense of the various sales technologies that are available today. How are they different? Do the differences actually matter? What do we need? How do we choose?
Tales from the Trenches in Sales Ops

Driving sales effectiveness and efficiency at-scale can be messy. In this on-demand webinar, glean insights from seven cautionary case studies so you don't repeat the same mistakes and miscalculations.
Conducting Whitespace Analytics

What if there was a way to analyze all of your customers at once, identify the whitespace opportunities, and serve them up to the sales team on a platter? Learn the seven step process for doing just that.
Reducing Losses to "No Decision"

Studies have shown that companies can lose up to 40% of their forecasted deals to "no decision". In this on-demand webinar, learn strategic and tactical approaches for dealing with prospect inaction.
Developing Better Forecasts

In this on-demand webinar, learn about the seven major ways in which leading teams are approaching sales forecasting very differently to boost speed, accuracy, and overall performance and results.
Neutralizing the Sales Team's Go-To Excuses

When things don't turn out as expected or desired, it's just human nature to look for explanations beyond what might be perceived as a personal failing. Learn how Sales Ops can address the common "reasons" for poor sales performance.
How to Hire Great Sales Ops People

How do you identify Sales Ops candidates with the raw materials to be most successful? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn the most important attributes you should look for when building your team.
How to Maximize Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Effective cross-selling and up-selling requires operational solutions that only Sales Ops can deliver. In this on-demand webinar, learn how some innovative groups are making happen---efficiently, effectively, and very profitably
The Fundamentals of Effective Subscription Pricing

With subscriptions, the first order is just a fraction of the business you hope to get over time. So how do you do get the pricing right? In this recorded webinar, learn the processes, practices, and measures that can boost subscription pricing effectiveness.
How to Structure Sales Operations

The structure of your Sales Ops function can have ramifications for years to come. In this on-demand webinar, learn effective approaches and important considerations for getting your structure right.
Moving the "Meaty Middle"

The primary focus for Sales Ops should be on improving the performance of the middle-of-the-road salespeople who comprise the majority of the team. In this on-demand webinar, learn why it's so important and how to make it happen.
Developing Effective Sales Dashboards

How do you develop performance-enhancing dashboards that salespeople will actually want to use long after the novelty has worn off? In this on-demand webinar, learn 15 strategies, tactics, and tips others have found effective.
How to Accelerate "Land and Expand"

Simply put, the faster and more consistently you can grow newly acquired customers, the more valuable your entire enterprise becomes. In this on-demand webinar, learn strategies and tactics other teams have utilized to improve "land and expand" performance.
Avoiding the Top 7 Sales Ops Mistakes

If you can avoid the biggest mistakes that others have already made, you're definitely rigging the game in your favor. Learn about the Sales Ops mistakes that have set other groups back years and even damaged careers.
Managing Multichannel Pricing

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about market mapping, MAP policies, and other tactics and tips for minimizing the potential for channel conflict, reputational damage, and margin erosion.
Predictive Sales Analytics

Predictive sales analytics has proven to be a powerful tool for improving effectiveness and boosting results at-scale. In this on-demand webinar, we demystify the core concepts and applications in sales environments.
Advancing Your Career in Sales Operations

There's never been a better time to be working in Sales Operations. But you can’t just sit back and hope that good things will happen. In this on-demand webinar, learn strategies and tactics for Sales Ops career development.
How to Fight a Price War

In this on-demand webinar, learn strategies and tactics for preventing a price war, handling "dumb" competitors, de-escalating and avoiding provocative situations, and winning without actually fighting.
The Sales Ops Guide to Enabling Sales Managers

Sales managers are critical points of leverage and enablement. In this on-demand webinar, learn a variety of strategies and tactics that others have used to influence sales managers and drive performance improvements at-scale.
The Fundamentals of Effective Pricing for Sales Operations

Most Sales Ops teams are unable to contribute to pricing and discounting in a meaningful way because they lack pricing knowledge. In this on-demand webinar, we cover the fundamental pricing concepts that Sales Ops teams need to understand.
Survival Strategies for Raising Prices

In this on-demand training seminar, learn why some B2B companies struggle with price increases while others are able to do it with far less pain and angst. What are leading companies doing differently to execute price increases with far less risk, conflict, and uncertainty?
Creating Content That Actually Works

Content marketing is getting lots of attention, but it's easy to gloss over some crucial processes. In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn about ten proven strategies for creating more effective sales and marketing content.
Developing a Winning Sales Ops Roadmap

For transforming Sales Ops, good intentions aren't enough. You need a plan. In this on-demand webinar, learn about creating an effective roadmap for making Sales Ops a more strategic function.
Building a Data-Driven Sales Operation

Building a data-driven sales operation where anecdotes and opinions have ruled for years is no easy task. In this on-demand webinar, learn about transforming your sales processes and team culture to make much better use of data.
Measuring the Financial Impact of Sales Ops

How do you measure a Sales Ops function? How do you calculate what you're really getting from your investments? In this on-demand webinar, learn what other Sales Ops groups are doing to measure and communicate their contributions in dollars and cents.
5 Ways Sales Can Stop Losing the Pricing Game

Discounts can seem like a small price to pay to capture revenue. But for many, giving in to pricing pressure is having disastrous impacts on profitability. In this on-demand webinar, learn five strategies leading teams are using to win more revenue...without crushing their margins.
Crucial Sales Operations Concepts

What sets a great Sales Ops team apart often comes down the core concepts and principles they embrace. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about 15 fundamental concepts that every Sales Ops leader and practitioner needs to understand inside and out.
How to Use Sales Analysis to Drive More Growth

Sales analysis often has much more potential than it is given credit for. This on-demand webinar explains how to using the analytical processes and underlying data to reveal powerful insights and opportunities for growth.
Attracting and Capturing Better Leads

Isn't it frustrating when sales gets the blame for poor performance when the quality of leads is the real problem. In this on-demand webinar, learn about a number of strategies and tactics for maximizing the quantity, quality, and value of your sales leads.
Demonstrating the Value of Sales Operations

As a relative newcomer on the corporate landscape, Sales Ops often struggles to secure resources and investment. In this on-demand webinar, learn about quantifying and communicating the impact and contribution of your Sales Operations team.
Diagnosing Sales Problems

Failing to identify the true root causes of sales performance problems often leads to a frustrating game of Whack-A-Mole. In this on-demand training webinar, learn how to identify and correct the real root causes behind sales performance issues.
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Inside Sales

In recent years, inside sales has been changing dramatically and leading teams are now playing a much more strategic role. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn new strategies and tactics for boosting inside sales' performance and contribution.
Building a Better Bid Desk

Large bids and quotes can have huge impacts on everything from revenue and profit to capacity utilization and strategic positioning. In this on-demand training session, learn strategies and tactics for improving the effectiveness of your bid desk.
Exploring Account-Based Marketing and Sales

While the promise of account-based marketing and sales is certainly compelling, it's important to get beyond the hype and understand what ABM really is and what it can really do for you and your company.
How to Identify & Target Your Best Prospects

Every year, B2B sales and marketing teams waste millions of dollars and thousands of hours desperately chasing the wrong business. In this on-demand webinar, learn about two methods for making targeting decisions that can improve every aspect of your performance, all at once!
Exceptional Sales Ops Teams

Sales Ops is still evolving and there are no long-standing rules for how everything should work. But there's a lot to learn from teams with a track record of success. In this on-demand webinar, we explore the common traits and mindsets of successful Sales Operations groups.
Making Change Happen

How do you get an organization to move away from the status quo and actually embrace doing things differently? With the dynamics involved, effective change management requires a more strategic approach.
How to Improve Your Close Rates

Trial and error with something as important as your close rates is risky. How do you know which strategies and tactics you should use to improve? In this on-demand training webinar, learn effective strategies and tactics for improving your sales team's ability to win---at scale and with less risk.
How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

With so many different variables involved, improving sales performance across the board and at-scale can seem like a daunting task. But with a different perspective on your sales funnel, you can generate huge improvements much more easily and with far less risk.
The Fundamentals of Effective Sales Analysis

In this on-demand training webinar, we share the fundamental concepts and principles behind effective sales analysis, expose the critical building blocks that need to be in-place, and walk through a basic analysis example to pull everything together.
Getting Your Salespeople to Price Better

Chances are, the behavior of your salespeople will ultimately determine whether pricing strategies are effective or not. In this on-demand training seminar, learn proven approaches and strategies for getting your sales team to price and discount far more effectively.
Negotiating Profitable Deals

Everything comes to a head when your sales team negotiates a deal. You want to win, but you don't want to leave money on the table. So, how do you help your sales team to become better negotiators, so they win the deals they should, at the right price?
Leading Edge Account & Territory Planning

Sales planning is often perceived as not much more than tactical busywork. In this on-demand training session, you'll learn how innovative sales operations are taking a radically different approach to identify untapped growth opportunities and develop prescriptive account and territory plans.
How to Retain Your Key Customers

When you lose business from existing accounts, the sales team must acquire even more new business to compensate. In this on-demand training session, learn about seven innovative strategies leading sales operations are using to minimize revenue attrition and customer defection.
Driving Sales Effectiveness with Strategic CRM

Are you really getting everything you should from your CRM system? Do you even know what's possible? In this four-part training session replay, learn what leading sales operations are doing differently to drive significant sales results, with far less resistance from the field.
Anatomy of a Competition-Crushing Sales Strategy

The better your sales strategy, the easier it is for your sales team to achieve their objectives. But sales strategy is often misunderstood. In this on-demand training session, learn how leading sales operations are improving their sales strategies to win more business, while actually competing less.
Exploring the Sales Ops Center of Excellence

This recorded training seminar discusses the two types of Sales Ops Center of Excellence we found in our research. Highlighting the critical differences between each type, we explore the decisions and steps that matter most in developing an effective Sales Ops Center of Excellence.
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Sales Training

Research shows that most sales training programs just don't "stick" over the long term. In this on-demand training session, we explore proven strategies and critical steps for developing effective sales training programs that have "stickiness" built-in from the very beginning.
Beyond Reporting with Sales & Pipeline Analysis

To actually improve overall sales performance in a big way, reporting alone simply WILL NOT get you there. This recorded training session shows you how to make the transition from reporting to true sales and pipeline analysis that can drive improved sales performance at-scale.
Taking Your Sales Operation to the Next Level

It's common for sales operations to get mired in tactical sales support and administrative activities. This four-part recorded training session reveals the steps leading sales operations teams are taking to transform themselves into a much more proactive and strategic business function.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes in B2B Lead Generation

Finding ways to improve lead quality and quantity can be a target that's constantly moving. This recorded training session exposes our latest research, highlights common lead generation challenges and what some B2B companies are doing to overcome them.
Generating More Sales from Existing Customers

Many B2B companies struggle to identify untapped sales opportunities and maximize revenue from the customers they've already acquired. In this four-part recorded training session, learn what leading sales operations are doing differently to grow share-of-wallet with existing customers.
Increasing Revenue Through Real Strategic Sales

It’s so easy to get caught up in the tactics of selling. But your sales strategy shouldn't take a backseat to the tactical to-do list. This recorded training session helps you get beyond the tactical and understand what real strategic selling is all about.
Getting Serious About Sales Effectiveness

What does it take to make your sales operation more effective? This on-demand webinar provides insights into what other sales operations are doing and the areas to focus your energies if you're serious about sales effectiveness.