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The Competitor Assessment Scorecard

A Handy Scorecard for Comparing Your Competitors (and Your Own Company) by the Numbers

Use this scorecard to assess your competitors relative to each other and yourself on the various elements of the Triangulated Competitive Audit.

This tool is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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  • Competitive Kill Sheet Development Workbook

    To help you gather and distill the essential information to create effective competitive kill sheets, answer the questions in these worksheets with as much detail as possible. An example of a fictitious competitive kill sheet is provided at the end of the workbook.

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  • How to Develop Real Competitive "Kill Sheets"

    Competitive kill sheets are a great tool to help salespeople in the field. But most so-called kill sheets are nothing more than glorified competitive profiles. In this concise tutorial, learn how to develop real, strategic competitive kill sheets that highlight and reinforce the competitive differences that actually matter to prospects.

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