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Whether you have specific questions about building a more effective B2B sales operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the SellingBrew Playbook makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • Who cares "how" we hit the numbers, as long as we hit them?
  • What if our whole analytics initiative is built around giving end-users the ability to slice-and-dice data for themselves?
  • What's the difference between defection detection and customer retention?
  • Are most strategic, "next level" Sales Operations groups found in large companies?
  • Can modeling account potential help me with forecasting?
  • What's the difference between sales enablement and sales effectiveness?
  • What's the difference between "explicit" and "latent" demand?
  • What kinds of things should a Sales Ops group be focusing on?
  • Should it concern us that customers haven't ever considered the value-drivers we've identified?
  • Why would a B2B customer defect if they are saying they're satisfied?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • Developing Prescriptive Account Plans

    Learn a powerful 7-step process for growing sales from your existing customers. See how to identify exactly where growth opportunities are and create the account plans that will capture them.

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  • Identifying Three Types of Customer Defection

    In most B2B markets, your ability to stave-off defections and retain good customers is critical. This video guide explains how to identify the early signs of three costly types of customer defection and how to take action before it's too late.

    View This Guide
  • How to Prevent Customer Defection

    In this SellingBrew research report, learn how leading B2B companies are protecting their future revenues and profits with innovations in customer retention and defection detection.

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  • The Right Way to Manage and Enable Change

    How do you encourage, enable, and manage organizational change when the deck is stacked against you? In this in-depth interview, Scott McAllister and Suraj Mohandas share the quantifiable benefits of effective change management and expose the essential steps that are required to get it right.

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