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Developing Prescriptive Account Plans

Seven Steps for Creating Account Development Plans Designed to Capture Specific Growth Opportunities

Developing effective, action-oriented account plans is not an easy thing to do. If it were easy, sales research studies wouldn't report that less than 30% of companies are actually doing it. In this tutorial, you will learn about:

  • How to use your customers' historical purchasing patterns to gain an understanding of the elusive "overall wallet spend."
  • How to identify and quantify the two different types of organic growth opportunities that exist across your entire customer base.
  • How to prioritize the opportunities and develop prescriptive territory- and account-level plans focused on specific actions.
  • How to close the loop on each element of the plan and gather intelligence that can be used to improve the process.

This tutorial is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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