
Subscriber-Only Diagnostic

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Seven Signs Your Sales Strategy Stinks

A Straightforward Self-Assessment to Evaluate the Quality and Effectiveness Your Sales Strategy

Hitting or missing your numbers just doesn't tell you very much about the efficacy of your sales strategy. Growth could be a mere fraction of what's really possible. And challenges could be stemming from execution issues. So, how can you tell if your sales strategy is really effective? In this simple diagnostic, you will learn:

  • How and why sales performance alone is rarely an effective gauge of sales strategy quality.
  • How to use “ingredient assessment” to estimate the odds that your sales strategy is solid.
  • Seven areas where just asking and answering the right questions can be extremely revealing.
  • The most powerful and predictive "ingredient" that ensures your sales strategy is effective.

This diagnostic is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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