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Onboarding New Sales Reps for Success

10 best practices our research team has found to be most effective

Bringing a new sales rep onto your team can be a very expensive proposition. In B2B organizations, it's common for it to take at least six months before a new hire starts meeting his or her quota, which means your company will have a lot invested in this salesperson before seeing any return on that investment. In this guide, you'll learn:

  • Why many common onboarding strategies can often make things worse (including a horror story)
  • The reasons why it's so critical to the bottom line to get new reps productive quickly.
  • 10 key strategies that have worked for other teams that can be easily emulated.
  • The guidance and resources you'll need to make these strategies a reality.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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