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Shift Your Customer Mix to Improve Performance

How to Improve Overall Performance By Acquiring Inherently More Valuable Customers

To improve revenue and profit performance, most people naturally assume that they have to acquire many more new customers, raise their prices, and/or lower their costs---preferably, all at the same time. But these are not the only variables in the equation. In fact, they may not be the most powerful variables at all. In this video guide, you'll learn about:

  • How and why your customer mix has tremendous influence on your overall performance.
  • Why certain customers are inherently more valuable than others and how to identify them.
  • How one company managed their customer mix to improve revenues, profits, and retention.
  • A straightforward approach you can use to begin proactively shifting your mix with less risk.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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