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Developing Better Forecasts

Leading-Edge Strategies and Tactics for Increasing Forecast Accuracy and Effectiveness

Research has shown, time and again, that human beings are terrible forecasters. We tend to be overly optimistic. We're heavily biased by the past. And, we're just not very good at objectively assessing risks and assigning probabilities. So with all that going for us, it's no surprise that leading sales operations are using data, analytics, and statistics in new and innovative ways to improve the speed, accuracy, and consistency of their sales forecasts. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The seven major ways in which leading teams are approaching forecasting very differently to boost performance.
  • Multiple approaches for developing data-driven forecasts that can be updated and refreshed much more frequently.
  • The proper role and usage of the bottom-up forecasts and pipeline estimates generated by individual salespeople.
  • Why it's critically important to understand the differences between the sales forecast and the sales targets/goals.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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