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Anticipating Competitors’ Sales Moves

Learn Proven Approaches for Predicting Competitive Actions and Reactions

In Sales Ops, it's often said that your plans can only be as smart as your dumbest competitor. While the statement is nowhere close to the truth, the sentiment is certainly understandable. After all, your competitors' sales actions and reactions add many more variables to an already complex mix. So, how can you reduce the competitive ambiguity in sales? How can you get ahead of your competitors' actions and reactions? How do you anticipate their moves and prevent them from foiling your plans? In this subscriber-only webinar, you will learn about:

  • Narrowing the field to focus on the competitors that matter most to the business at hand.
  • Asking the right strategic questions to better understand what makes your competitors tick.
  • Incorporating the anticipated competitive responses into your sales strategies and plans.
  • Putting competitive feedback from your customers and salespeople in proper perspective.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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