
Subscriber-Only Diagnostic

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Three Types of Buyers That Don’t Buy On Price

Learn How to Identify Three Types of Buyers Where Additional Discounts Won’t Actually Help You Win the Business

Extensive research shows that despite the sales lore, pure price buyers are typically no more than 20-30% of any given B2B market. But customers have learned that if they complain loudly enough about price, they might get a break --- even if they are secretly willing to pay more. In this diagnostic by Chris Mitchell of Holden Advisors, you'll learn:

  • How to identify a buyer that takes a long-term view of their vendor relationships and values quality and collaboration.
  • How to identify a buyer that's really willing to pay a higher price as long as they're confident they're getting more value.
  • How to identify a buyer that's actually just pretending to be a price buyer in order to get the lowest possible price.
  • How to identify a true price buyer that really does want the lowest price and is willing to give-up value to get it.

This diagnostic is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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