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Whether you have specific questions about building a more effective B2B sales operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the SellingBrew Playbook makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • If we have people with lots of experience in the industry, do we really need to conduct marketing research?
  • What's a "bounce-back" offer and when would I want to use one?
  • The prospect-targeting attributes we’ve identified are more like attitudes than attributes. Is that a problem?
  • Why should we care about what's happening in the lead generation process?
  • Aren't people usually the root-causes behind most sales and marketing problems?
  • If we hire experienced reps, shouldn't they already know what to do?
  • Can modeling account potential help me with forecasting?
  • Should it concern us that customers haven't ever considered the value-drivers we've identified?
  • What's the difference between defection detection and customer retention?
  • We track close-rates by sales rep, but they always brush-off the massive variances as being "mix related". Any suggestions?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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  • Evaluating Top Sales Methods

    How do you know your team is using the most effective sales method for your particular business situation? And if necessary, how do you facilitate a productive change?

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  • Competitive Kill Sheet Development Workbook

    To help you gather and distill the essential information to create effective competitive kill sheets, answer the questions in these worksheets with as much detail as possible. An example of a fictitious competitive kill sheet is provided at the end of the workbook.

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  • Demonstrating the Value of Sales Operations

    As a relative newcomer on the corporate landscape, Sales Ops often struggles to secure resources and investment. In this on-demand webinar, learn about quantifying and communicating the impact and contribution of your Sales Operations team.

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